An Introduction to Polyhedra

1. Can you share with us what is Polyhedra and why the existence of it?

Polyhedra Network is a zero-knowledge infrastructure platform that provides secure, scalable interoperability solutions for the blockchain ecosystem. Our goal is to connect every blockchain without the need to trust a centralized committee by utilizing zk proofs to prove and verify state transitions on the sender and receiver chains, respectively.

We believe the future of blockchain will be fragmented, with thousands of blockchains that need to communicate in order to offer users a seamless web3 experience.

2. Can you share a little more on ZkBridge and ZkDID and give a simple use case for each?

ZkBridge is a fully trustless, secure, and efficient foundation for cross-chain interoperability with zero-knowledge-proof technology. zkBridge uses zero-knowledge proof constructions to efficiently convince the receiver chain that a certain state transition happened on the sender chain. With zero-knowledge proofs, zkBridge offers strong security without relying on external assumptions and a significant reduction in on-chain verification costs.

ZkDID is a verifiable credential system that allows for on-chain credential verification (KYC/AML/CFT) while preserving the privacy of the users. It can be used for both Web2 and Web3.

The solutions use the same underlying zero-knowledge infrastructure, modified for a specific use case. At its core, Polyhedra Network’s solution can be used to transmit any data from one chain to another in a trustless manner. This gives us the flexibility to support a wide range of interoperability use cases.

3. We are particularly excited for the launch of the Bitcoin Messaging Protocol with ZkBridge. Is this solution live yet? Do you foresee there will be a thriving ecosystem within BTC?

Yes, our Bitcoin Messaging Protocol is live, and we are in the process of onboarding a number of BTC Layer-2s and other Bitcoin protocols to our network.

We are seeing interest in the BTC ecosystem increase every day. As the original blockchain network, there will always be significant investment in driving innovation within that ecosystem. For it to succeed, there must be interoperability between BTC networks and other popular networks. We are excited to be the leading interoperability solution for the BTC ecosystem and to support team building there.

4. Can you share more on the Ethereum full node proofing system and its significance, and what does your solution, deVirgo, do?

By proving the Ethereum full node, we are able to significantly increase the security of applications utilizing our interoperability platform.

The sync committee is made up of 512 validators, each with 32 ETH, and a total monetary value of $36 million. Utilizing the sync committee for interoperability creates an opportunity for manipulation if the potential gain from compromising this committee exceeds $36 million. By proving the full node, we increase the security from $36 million to ~$40 billion, making it economically infeasible for it to be compromised. We can also do so in less than 10 seconds, which matches the pace of Ethereum block generation.

DeVirgo is the distributed version of our Virgo protocol and is what allows for our significant improvements in proof generation speed over alternatives.

5. Can you talk about building on Layerzero and, with this partnership, how many chains are supported?

LayerZero is an interoperability protocol that decouples execution from validation. As a permissionless protocol, they allow anyone to develop Oracles to be used as the validation component in their protocol. Currently, Polyhedra is the only zk-based Oracle integrated with LayerZero. As such, we offer developers building on LayerZero an excellent validation option in terms of client diversity and trust minimization.

We currently support 21 chains integrated with LayerZero, with plans to support all chains in the LayerZero network.

6. What do you hope Polyhedra can achieve in 5 years time?

We envision a future where utilizing Polyhedra for blockchain interoperability will be akin to the use of HTTPS in Web2. Anyone seeing that data has been verified by Polyhedra can be confident that the data is accurate and has not been tampered with.

All developers will utilize Polyhedra for cross-chain interoperability with our zero-knowledge proof technology.